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Movement for Pelvic Health

Two hours to explore pelvic health as a full body experience!

We will focus on healing from Incontinence, Prolapse and Diastasis. It will be a movement based workshop full of anatomy, breath-work, fascial release, activation techniques and nervous system down training.

Covered within the workshop

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing focusing on release, recoil and our inbuilt pressure canister.
2.The Pudendal Nerve and Trauma response
3. Diastasis and Deep core tensegrity
4.Correlation between dysfunction in the feet and dysfunction in the pelvis
5.Conscious activation using bands
6. Introduction to the Hypopressive Apnea Breath
7. Full Thoracic Diaphragm release

The perfect way to start your healing journey!

February 8

FREE! Beginner’s Yoga

February 15

Arm Balances & Inversions