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Yin & Sound

An evening that bridges ancient wisdom with modern therapeutic techniques to promote balance.

Yin Yoga is deep and introspective form of yoga designed to promote prolonged relaxation. Sound Healing uses ancient techniques to harmonise the body and mind using resonant instruments. Together  to promote overall wellness and balance. 

During this two hour experience, Natalie will guide you through a sequence of longer-held, passive stretches, targeting the body’s deeper layers, particularly the fascia and connective tissues, to improve flexibility, foster a deeper sense of relaxation, and facilitate the release of physical and energetic blockages. Focusing on these connective structures enhances joint mobility and allows for a profound internal journey.

The Yin Yoga practice will be accompanied by live a Sound Healing experience to harmonise the mind and create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. When combined, the passive stretches, alongside the soothing frequencies from sound instruments amplify relaxation, leading to an enhanced therapeutic experience.

The symphony between Yin Yoga and Sound Healing lies in their shared goal of fostering relaxation and releasing tension. We encourage you to embark on this transformative journey, embracing this magical partnership for a profound experience of inner balance.

November 1

New Moon Manifestation Ritual

November 8

Yoga Nidra with Essential Oils & Reiki