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Kundalini Activation

Kundalini activation is a potent practice that releases repressed emotions and clears stagnant energy from mind, body, and spirit.

By consciously increasing Kundalini energy flow, we can access expanded consciousness, forge new neural pathways, and gain deeper insights. It allows us to gradually address limiting beliefs, emotional blockages, and traumas with care, transforming wounds into wisdom and illuminating shadows with compassion.

Nothing is required of you to become aligned with this empowering and transformative energy, only a willingness to trust, surrender and stay open to the process.

Through Kundalini activation, we dismantle self-limiting narratives and reconnect with our core truth to allow more space for joy, love and peace to enter our lives.


Pre-booking for this event is essential. Please read our terms and conditions before paying for your ticket.

Please note Kundalini activation may not be suitable if you have: Current pregnancy
, Severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or unresolved trauma
, Active recreational drug use
Medication affecting brain chemistry (e.g. anti-anxiety, antidepressants, ADD, OCD medications)
, Prescribed blood thinners or anti-coagulants
, Osteoporosis
, Detached retina / Glaucoma
, Kidney disease
, High blood pressure
, Cardiovascular disease such as angina or history of heart attack, Chest pain, myocarditis, pericarditis, irregular heartbeat, or other severe heart conditions, History of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Seizures, seizure disorder, or other brain/neurological conditions, Diagnosed aneurysm of any kind, Uncontrolled thyroid disorder, Diabetes (any type), Severe asthma (mild/moderate can be discussed if you bring an inhaler), Epilepsy
, Prior diagnosis of bipolar, schizophrenia, or other psychiatric conditions
, Severe psychosomatic disorders
, Recent surgery, stitches, or injury
, Hospitalisation for psychiatric reasons or emotional crisis within the last 10 years, Any other medical, psychiatric, or physical condition that could impair engagement in deep emotional/physical processes safely

March 19

Reiki & Sound Healing

March 23

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